You think that you are involved in a battle of opposites?
You are mistaken. You are but a field of the battle.
Open your eyes! You will see our common fate.
You will see that which equates the rich one and the beggar,
the powerful one and the prisoner.

You are mistaken. You are but a field of the battle.
Open your eyes! You will see our common fate.
You will see that which equates the rich one and the beggar,
the powerful one and the prisoner.
Nonverbal theatre act, an integration of pantomime, dance and acrobatics, about exploration of what we call ’good’ and ’evil’, seeming dominance of one side and necessity of choice, the reflections of finding a balance between inner and external worlds.
The black and white principles of existence are brought together, which provokes an explosion of their eternal struggle, which is no more than a consequence of the person’s blindness. The conflict of irreconcilable principles reaches its culmination, generates a sensation of an infernal pain and an inevitability of the End.
… Suddenly a tender sprout begins to spring up out of Earth from a small grain, it turns into a slender flower swaying in a breeze. So what does it mean that the flower is going to fade if it scatters the seeds of a new life…
The eye-band is gone. The basic idea of decoupling — ’black’ and ’white’ are no longer in war: they co-exist as the parts of the real life. Beyond the internality the wisdom and clemency are discovered. Through accepting the world as a unity of opposites the Human overcomes a half-heartedness inside.

- Best choreography at "Rome Theatre Festival", Italy
- Best dance-and-movement event (’the List’) and Top show (’the Scotsman’s rating) at Edinburgh Fringe Festival, United Kingdom
- Dance highlight (’SF Arts’) at San Francisco International Arts Festival, USA
- Winner of International Theatre Festival "Mono Dielli", Kosovo
- Special prize of Jury at International Festival of Theater and Visual Art "Zdarzenia", Poland
- Opening performance at "Thespis International Monodrama Festival", Germany and International Festival "Atspindys", Lithuania
- Special guest at "Yang Liping International Dance Festival", China
- Headliner of "Black Box International Theatre and Dance Festival", Bulgaria
Duration: 1 hour
Music: Kimmo Pohjonen, Max Richter, Rene Aubry
Premiere: May 2012, Italy